
Project - Opening my doors

This project is especially for you... if you're a kid!
I always install my hamacs, toboggan, ladder and other attractions. I want you to feel good and have a fun time when you discover my world and the life of my family : toy-boxes, bed-rooms...
What is it like being squeezed with mom and dad all the time?
Living differently is possible! Dreams exist to come true!

My doors are always open and my family brings in curious people almost every day. Sometimes, I fix a date and I invite a whole village or school to come and discover me and exchange ideas.

It's not a coincidence, it's a real choice.

For us, it helps us to remind us how lucky we are to live our dream, thanks to the reactions of others. Sometimes they are very surprised by the simplicity of our house with, in their eyas, little comfort. And they realize that they are very well in their house! :-)

- special kids - toboggan, open mind

da se zit i jinak

07.11.2021 00:37 Tao


 Many thanks to ALS EURO for their gracious help with the construction and hosting of our website


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